Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Awesome Book - A Prisoner of Birth

Anyone who knows me knows this: when buying a gift for me, he/she could never go wrong with bookshop gift cards. That way, I can indulge my love for books and be very thankful to the giver at the same time :)

Anyway, my very kind boss bestowed me with a Border's gift card for Christmas and needless to say, I made a beeline for the nearest Borders store at the first opportunity.

Picked up four books (listed in reading order):

The Appeal (John Grisham)
The First Patient (Michael Palmer)
A Prisoner of Birth (Jeffrey Archer)
Hold Tight (Harlan Coben)

Just finished reading
A Prisoner of Birth. The verdict? Probably the best book that I've read in a long time! In brief, this book is about a man convicted for a crime (murder) he did not commit and the thrilling path he embarked on for revenge.

"If Danny Cartwright had proposed to Beth Wilson the day before, or the day after, he would not have been arrested and charged with the murder of his best friend. And when the four prosecution witnesses are a barrister, a popular actor, an aristocrat and the youngest partner in an established firm's history, who is going to believe his side of the story?

Danny is sentenced to 22 years and sent to Belmarsh prison, the highest security jail in the land, from where no inmate has ever escaped. But Spencer Craig, Lawrence Davenport, Gerald Payne and Toby Mortimer all underestimate Danny's determination to seek revenge and Beth's relentless quest to win justice, which forces all four protagonists to fight for their lives."

You can read the excerpt here,

The Appeal and The First Patient were both excellent by the way, but A Prisoner of Birth got me hooked from the very first page. I was under a spell that compelled me to turn the pages.

Anyway, that was Archer, and now, Coben. If the rest of
Hold Tight are as gripping as the first few pages when I began this morning, you can count on me holding on tight until the very last page.

For now... I'm impatiently waiting for Archer's next book,
Paths of Glory. Would it be as good, if not better?

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