Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God Sees

It's strange. Today is only Tuesday; not even mid-week yet and I'm already weary to the bones. Did I get enough sleep? Yes, I had a good 7 hours, although after many years of "training", I can function very well on just 5 hours, or sometimes lesser.

Maybe it's all the thinking that I've been doing... thinking, worrying and running about on errands, and not doing enough of praying and waiting on God. Mental drain can really tax the physical body, likewise when you're not spiritually fed. Sleep can maybe ease a little of the strain, but mental weariness takes a while to go away - often times when a problem gets solved. But the best option (always) is to wait upon the Lord and to leave your problems in His trusty hands. And when you do leave it with Him, remember NOT to take it back. It's complete surrender. He'll take care of the rest.

Well, time to put this thought into action.

~ He Sees ~

Feeling as if her heart would break,
Stinging words, they had lashed out.
The tears she held, so deep within,
Revealed her anguish and doubt.

They cut as if a two-edged sword.
She fought the emotions within.
But, in the recesses of her mind,
Words echoed time and again.

In the stillness of the night,
She knelt to voice her plea.
Within her soul, she plainly heard,
"Fear not, because He sees."

He knows your deepest heartaches.
Unnoticed? Not even one.
He's interceding for you,
For, you see, He's God's own Son.

There's nothing that could be hidden.
All things lay before Him bare.
Toss your burdens on the Lord.
He loves you and He cares.

Choose to walk in love and joy.
Let your heart be filled with peace.
All your pain will soon recede,
Just remember that He sees.

© 2003 by Marie Williams

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

God's Bank Ain't Busted Yet!

The bank had closed; my earthly store had vanished from my hand; I felt that there was no sadder one than I in all the land. My washerwoman, too, had lost her little mite with mine, And she was singing as she hung the clothes upon the line. "How can you be so gay?" I asked; "Your loss don't you regret?" "Yes, Ma'm, but what's the use to fret? God's bank ain't busted yet!"

I felt my burden lighter grow; her faith I seemed to share; In prayer I went to God's great throne and laid my troubles there. The sun burst from behind the clouds, in golden splendour set; I thanked God for her simple words: "God's bank ain't busted yet!"

And now I draw rich dividends, more than my hands can hold; Of faith and love and hope and trust and peace of mind untold. I thank the Giver of it all, but still I can't forget; My washerwoman's simple words: "God's bank ain't busted yet!"

Oh, weary ones upon life's road, when everything seems drear, And losses loom on every hand, and skies seem not to clear; Throw back your shoulder, lift your head, and cease to chafe and fret; Your dividend will be declared: "God's bank ain't busted yet!"

~ Alice P. Moss, 1931
Written during the Depression

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Basics of Life

Is the world getting more complicated by the day, or are we just asking for too much? Are we compromising our virtues and beliefs just to get ahead in this day where success is measured by fancy houses, fast cars and fashionable clothes? Have we forgotten our beginnings, who we are, what's important and the people who really matters?

Some of us are busy climbing the ladder of success, while others are struggling to make ends meet. While we're bathing in our success, we forget there are people who are just trying to get through another day. We complain about what we eat, when there are people out there who consider bread crumbs as manna from heaven. We complain about our jobs and forget that those jobs put food on the table, clothe us and place a roof over our head. We forget to be thankful for what we have; we compare and lament about what we do not have.

We've forgotten... and need to get back on track. This classic from 4HIM correctly sums it all up. Father, please forgive me. Help me remember and to be thankful everyday.

Listen to Basics Of Life by 4Him

We've turned the page, for a new day has dawned
We've re-arranged what is right and what's wrong
Somehow we've drifted so far from the truth
That we can't get back home

Where are the virtues that once gave us light
Where are the morals that governed our lives
Someday we all will awake and look back
just to find what we've lost

We need to get back
To the basics of life
A heart that is pure
And a love that is blind
A faith that is fervently
grounded in Christ
The hope that endures for all times
These are the basics,
we need to get back
To the basics of life

The newest rage is to reason it out
Just meditate and you can overcome every doubt
After all man is a God, they say
God is no longer alive

But I still believe in the old rugged cross
And I still believe there is hope for the lost
And I know the rock of all ages will stand
Through changes of time

We've let the darkness invade us too long
We've got to turn the tide
Oh and we need the passion that burned long ago
To come and open our eyes
There's no room for compromise

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stand by Me

This is amazing! Changing the world through music? I dig! But I also firmly believe that real change comes through Jesus - He's the creator of music after all!

Check out http://www.playingforchange.com/ and be inspired!