Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Guys You Should Never Date

I've just read this interesting article from ShoppingLifestyle.com and gals, listen up! There are five types of men you should NEVER EVER get involved with. If you've often found yourself questioning your choice in men and series of relationship bad luck, it's time for a reality check. Have you been dating any of these men? You've probably heard it all before, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded from time to time. Okay, it might hurt if you've "fallen" for one of these men, you're in the midst of a "relationship" with one or contemplating a "relationship" with one. Such "relationships" are all pain and no gain. Collect all your scattered marbles now and move on, before you lose yourself.

1. Married - Bad, bad, bad idea. This guy already belongs to someone else and unless you enjoy sneaking around, STAY AWAY from him, even if he promises to leave his wife for you. Hey, if a man is willing to leave his wife for you, what makes you think he won't leave you for someone else? Forget all the sweet talks and mumbo jumbo about his wife not being there for him, them not loving each other anymore, him being forced into the marriage (for whatever reason/s), you being the person he's been searching for all his life (duh!), you love him with all your heart and you're willing to sacrifice anything, ANYTHING, for him, and etc. This guy is OFF LIMITS! He's wearing someone else's wedding ring!

2. Dominator - Control freak. Need I say more? At the beginning it may seem as if he cares about you and takes an interest in all you do. But once he's established himself in your life, you'll no longer have a life. Imagine having all your calls (and friends) screened and being told how to dress, where to shop, what to eat, how to decorate your home right down to what colour underwear you should wear... Hey, even if you're a damsel in distress and in need of saving, you don't need to be told how to run your life, right?

3. Broken Heart - This seemingly lost puppy needs some sense knocked into him. Even so, he still might not come to his senses. He'll probably just end up in a coma and that's the best case scenario. He's looking for some mollycoddling, not someone to love. Flee! Run, far, far away!

4. Smoothie - This one? All about outward appearances. All glitz and no depth. Like a double choc fudge sundae - looks good, smells good and tastes even better. Perhaps something to be enjoyed for the moment, but definitely not something worth risking your long-term health over.

5. The Drain - The leech who sucks you dry - emotionally, financially and/or physically. When things go wrong, he blames everyone but himself. By the time he's done with you, you'll be nothing but an empty shell. How sad...

The end of my version. I'm not an expert, so don't take my word for it; r
ead the original 5 Guys You Should Never Date article. Though I may sound like a man-hater, I'm not... nooooooo. I have a love-hate relationship with one, and my favourite pastime is pushing his buttons when I'm not driving him up the walls :D

Feeling demoralised? Don't be. For every guy you should never date, there is one whom you should. Here are the 5 Guys Every Gal Should Date Before Settling Down.

p/s: Alright, so I'm supposed to write about my vacation, but I got side-tracked. And there's the fact that I haven't finished doctoring the photos yet. I'll probably get on it over the weekend. Stay tuned!

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